Chalingal Rubber Nursery

Dr.C.M.Jacob chalingal s/o chalingal C.T Mathew , puthuppalli valiyamudikkal family member has started a small scale rubber nursery at palakkayam irumbamutti in 1982. After years of hard work , the firm has developed into which it self more than 10 lakhs of rubber saplings in one year . Jacob also started several branches around kerala.
Jacob, whose fore fathers migrated and setted in Malabar long ago , is now showing ways to the new generations about new migrated ares. Jacob who points out the Karnataka , goa , Maharashtra like konkan areas are also suitable for rubber planting
The most widly used variety of rubber in india is the RRII-105, which has been successfully tested in rubber research institute of india . Other varieties of Rubber RRII-414 and RRII-430 which is 20% more yield Than RRII-105 for RRII-430 and 40% more Yield Than RRII-105 for RRII-414. (Other Varieties are also available such as RRIM-600, PB-235, PB-311 and GT-1)
Read MoreIn short, the innovation of this scientific technique has challenged and revolutionized the conventional method of Brown Budding and Green Budding. It adds a vibrant impact upon the rubber planters throughout Kerala and other rubber growing regions of India.
Kerala is often called the land of the Latex. Rightly so, Kerala makes up for a vast majority of the latex produced in India, making India a world leader in rubber latex exports. Within kerala, the district of Palakkad is famous for its vast areas of Rubber plantation.
Ph: +91 9447 645 092, +91 9539 511 114
Mail: chalingaljacob@gmail.com
H.O. Viyyakurissi, Mannarkkad, Palakkad (Dt). Karimba P.O - 678 582.
Branches : Mannarkkad, Pudukkad, Dhoni (malampuzha).
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